Hi, everyone. I’ve been thinking of starting a blog for a while, but I wanted to be clear on what will set my blog apart from the countless other fashion and image-related blogs out there. I see blog after blog of people posting pictures of themselves as if to say, “look how cute I am,” or “look how smart I am that I put this outfit together.” That’s great, but I want to provide more substance and go a bit deeper. I got into image consulting to help people and to make a positive impact in their lives.
So here’s what my blog is about: I want to educate you, empower you, and help you become more aware of yourself, your style and your imprint on this world. I want to give you REAL information that will raise your awareness about image, style and fashion, as well as increase your confidence in your own personal style. It is my hope that everyone who reads my blog will learn their personal style statement, and for those of you who have defined your style, it is my aim to provide you with nuggets to keep you pressing further, learning more.
I’m looking forward to taking this journey with you. If you have things you would like me to address here, please let me know. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.
Cindy Barron says
Bethany, Congratulations on starting a blog!