As we enter a new season, now is a fantastic time to edit your wardrobe. Scrutinize last season’s clothes. Don’t pack away summer clothes you didn’t wear unless you TRULY plan to wear them next season. Also, be sure everything is cleaned before tucking them away. Otherwise, you might find a stain that has set in after several months of not wearing it.
As you edit, these are your low-hanging fruit:
- Bad fit. Whether too small or too large, it does not work for you. Out it goes.
- Wrong shape. Is it a flattering shape or silhouette? If not, ditch it.
- Worn out. This one is an image-killer. If it is pilled, soiled, unraveled or stretched, toss it.
- Wrong color. Does the color flatter you? If not, let it go. Not sure? Book a color analysis!
- Damaged. Unless it can be repaired (and you plan to have it done), get rid of it.
Besides the above, let’s address other offenders which may need to go.
Fast Fashion
I own my fair share of pieces from companies and brands who are not utilizing resources in ethical ways, aka fast fashion. I own much less of it than I used to, but some pieces linger. If you can afford ethical brands, put your money there. I know for budgeting reasons we sometimes buy lower-priced pieces, and I’m not judging that. Buying something to wear once and toss it is another matter entirely. Luckily, many brands are responding to pressure to be more transparent and clean up their act. I am hopeful this trend continues.
As you buy new things, try to support brands that are Certified B Corporations, for example, and companies with ethical practices. It’s simply better for everyone. Madewell and Athleta are two of my favorite ethical brands.
Counterfeit Goods
This is an ugly, horrifying business. Besides the fact that creating counterfeit goods is illegal, when you knowingly buy counterfeit goods, you are supporting human trafficking and child labor, which is used to make these goods. Put your money in things you want to continue. Slave and child labor isn’t it. If you truly love designer goods but cannot afford it full-price, there are oodles of places to buy it second-hand. I like The Real Real and Poshmark. Sometimes you can nab something new with tags. There is no reason to ever knowingly buy counterfeit goods, especially when you have so many resale options.
Clothing Back Ups
You know these offenders. They are the pieces you keep around “just in case.” I’ve done this myself. If my ___ is dirty, I want to have this one as a back up. Guess what? 99% of the time you will not turn to the sub-par back up because you will wear something else entirely. If you want to remember an item to replace it, take a photo of it and donate it. Clothing back ups are dead weight in your closet.
Overly Trendy Items
You can spot these a mile away. Just last week at a store, I saw a cropped, plaid blazer with a rounded collar. Three trends in one item: cropped, plaid and round collar. You may have a few things in your closet you are holding onto for when the trend comes around again. Don’t hold onto it for these reasons: (1) You may not want to wear the trend again when it returns, and (2) The trend will likely come back in a slightly different form. If you decide to play in the trend when it comes back around, you don’t want to look like you pulled the dusty piece from the back of your closet.
Old Versions of You
If you keep your clothing a long time, you likely have pieces you needed for a certain time in your life, like suits for work. As I have said many times to my clients, I want your wardrobe to be a reflection of the woman you are today, not the woman you were 10+ years ago. It’s okay to have a piece for 10+ years if it still serves you today. I have many golden oldies in my closet that I continue to wear, and they still represent me. If you love a piece but it no longer fits into your life, let it go. It served you well even if you did not wear it that much.
Purchase Mistakes
You know the ones, pieces you bought after the salesperson or a friend said it looks great on you. You were persuaded to buy it, but once you got it home, you realized it did not work with anything else or it simply wasn’t “you.” I still make purchase mistakes, fewer than I used to, but no one is perfect. Even if it still has the tags on it, donate your purchase mistakes. If you are holding onto it waiting for the occasion to wear it, don’t. That occasion will not arrive. It was a mistake. Own up to it and move on. At the very least, purchase mistakes teach us what not to buy next time! Over time, you will make fewer mistakes as you hone in on your style and understand what works for you.
Not Sure? Call Me!
A wardrobe edit is always refreshing! Sometimes you find old treasures you are excited to wear again. Other times you find pieces you had forgotten about and with good reason. Making space in your closet allows better things to come in. You are never losing anything when you edit. There is so much need in the world. Why keep something that someone else can love?
Email me at to set it up, or you can message me through my website. There’s no reason to ever experience wardrobe panic. I’m here for you!
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