I’ve never loved the idea of New Year’s resolutions. Like most, I see them as a trap for feeling bad about yourself when you don’t keep your resolutions. This doesn’t mean I don’t aspire to evolve and improve. I simply prefer not to package them in the form of a formal list of resolutions.
Word of the Year
A few years ago, I noticed others were choosing a word of the year. This is something I like. As a writer who enjoys words to express myself, choosing a “word of the year” feels doable and a better way to achieve evolution than resolutions. I’d love to tell you I’ve kept track of my words since then. I haven’t! However, my word for 2023 was Abundance. I’ve felt abundance in many ways this year, professionally, monetarily, and personally.

Best Year Ever
2023 was my best year for my business. I was steadily busy with many new clients and served some of my long-term clients, as well. Thank you! I’ve loved my “new” career. Image consulting is not so new to me anymore as I just completed my 16th year of business! It has been immensely rewarding to hear from many clients this year that they feel happier and more confident. The reason I chose image consulting as my “second chapter” is because I wanted to help people more tangibly in a positive way. Mission accomplished!
2024 Words of the Year
Last week, I saw a post with a jumble of words (like a word find). The first four words you see are your words for 2024. I’m happy to report my words are love, alignment, purpose, and connection. I firmly believe I will see the culmination of these word meanings in the New Year. I’ve always loved the word “love.” It is one of my favorite words. I enjoy putting love into the world and experiencing the love that returns. Is there anything better? We were made for it!
As I’m now in my 50s, I love the next three words: alignment, purpose, and connection. Now more than ever they seem relevant to a fulfilling life. They work so well together. As I align with my purpose(s), it will connect me better to myself and to others.
Your Turn
Do you choose a word of the year? What was your 2023 word? What is your word for 2024? I look forward to hearing yours!
Thank You
As we close out 2023, I want to thank you for a wonderful year. It’s always a pleasure to help my clients and to share my knowledge with others. I look forward to a year of more opportunities, especially to be a positive light to whomever may come my way.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Wishing you a beautiful holiday season and a happy and prosperous New Year!