Sometimes It Isn’t Your Wardrobe
Do you sometimes find yourself staring at your wardrobe, uninspired or unhappy with what’s there? It happens to all of us, even me. In fact, our mindset is often to blame, not our wardrobe.
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My Word for 2023 & My 2024 Words
As a writer who enjoys words to express myself, choosing a “word of the year” feels doable and a better way to achieve evolution than resolutions.
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Five Tips for Trying Times
While my tips are helpful for those who are working toward a cancer-free life, they are also applicable for all who are facing difficult circumstances.
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Focusing on Wellness
Wellness matters because you matter. You are worth it. Things that are good for your body are GREAT for your mind. All of it works together. When you are feeling your best, your interactions improve, and your life turns in a positive direction.
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Traveling Light: Packing Like a Pro
I used to think the more you travel, the better you are at traveling “light.” This theory does not hold up when you consider my oldest brother, a flight attendant, who carries the largest roller luggage possible even for short excursions. He once lost a bag with nine pairs of shoes inside! Nine. Pairs. Of....
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Tidy Your Wardrobe for Greater Mental Health
A big reason we do not edit is we feel like we are losing something by letting things go. On the contrary, by creating space in your wardrobe, you are gaining mental space, mental clarity and greater happiness.
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What is True Beauty?
We are constantly bombarded with images of people deemed beautiful. None of them look like me. Yet just because we aren’t in the ad campaign or on the cover of the magazine does not deem us unbeautiful.
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Supporting Black-Owned
Each of us is physically and emotionally exhausted from these past few months. However, we must not stop. We are banging hard at the door of real change.
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A Look Back: 10 Years of Blogging
This blog has given me great joy over these last 10 years. It has allowed me to share encouraging words with you, my readers. It has helped me process my thoughts during difficulties, and it has kept me in touch with the good in others.
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Tales from the Tarmac – A Girl & Her Orange Suitcase
Never assume your problem is too small to be addressed. Write the letter, make the phone call, send the e-mail. If it matters to you, it is important.
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What’s Happening on My Podcast
I felt it was important for my audience to hear my voice. It’s one thing to read my words, and something else entirely for you to hear me share what is on my mind and heart.
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What I Learned from Accidental Icon
While she loves fashion and has her own distinct style, Dr. Slater was not looking to start a fashion blog.
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Tidying Up in 2019
What I learned in Marie Kondo's book is too much for a blog post, so I created two podcasts to cover the best bits. Consider it your Cliff’s Notes!
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The Birth of a Podcast
I created a podcast called Bethany Says: Beauty, Style & You. My podcast is for everyone who wants to feel more in tuned with themselves, more confident and more relaxed in their own skin.
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Christmas – Don’t Miss It
Do you feel a little down on Christmas day? I do, and now I understand why. It is a single day, which for our family includes brunch, presents, music and mayhem… and then it’s over. Huh.