Bringing Fall into Your Style Now Fall temperatures won't arrive in most areas of Texas for a few more months. However, as I’ve preached over many years of blogging, one of the best ways to bring "fall" into your wardrobe when it remains hot is to … [Read more...]
Seattle Street Style – Not So Mellow Yellow
The people of Seattle don’t want you to know how gorgeous the weather is a lot of the time. I’m serious. All you hear about Seattle is the rain, but have you once heard about how beautiful it is in spring and summer? That is half of the year, by the … [Read more...]
Casual Presentation Outfit
A client recently asked me, "I am giving a presentation to a group of single parents who will be dressed casually. How should I dress to appear polished yet approachable and relate-able?" Great question! Anyone who has worked with me knows I am a … [Read more...]
Breaking Your Own Style Rules
What style rules have you imposed upon yourself? Perhaps you think you can't wear a particular color or a certain shape or maybe you are still of the mind that one can't wear white after Labor Day or before Easter. We all have rules we like to … [Read more...]